Made in 4 days during the GMTK Game Jam 2024.

SCALE the dense jungle caves, survive by adapting and find your love.

NOTE: There is a bug in the web version where you might get stuck in the water, if you encounter this bug and want to continue, then play the desktop version of this game which is far superior.  Performance, stability and the overall Audio Experience is better in the standalone version. The Web version is playable from start to finish but provides a worse experience due to technical limitations of Godot Web Export and unexpected bugs.


WASD - Move

SPACE - Jump

Left Click - Eat

Right Click - Puke / Spit out bomb

Controllers are also supported but in game text wont adapt and will still show keyboard keys.

Credits :

All assets except the ones listed below are created by me.

Grass tiles based on Jungle Asset Pack by Jesse Mungia (Modified by me)

Pixel VFX: Basic Explosion 1 by Abdulla Almheiri (Modified by me)

Sounds from WeLoveIndies.

Special thanks to Carl Mellerskog for playtesting and drawing the cover art.


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Super cool give me more pls.

But what is this death anim? Everything good goes to die when that plays.

Amazing game <3